Project Team

Kiril Jordanov

Kiril Jordanov

Economist – President and Coordinator of Youth on Board

Kiril Jordanov is an advisor for public procurement and Coordinator for implementation of the strategy for youth in the Local government in Shtip. He is also a private advisor for financial-legal and administrative procedures. Kirill has a profession.. read more

Sanja Maksimova

Sanja Maksimova

MSc – President manager at Youth on Board

Sanja Maksimova, MSc – President manager at Youth on Board is the Head of the International Relation office at the Goce Delcev University in Shtip where she is responsible for the implementation of the internationalization strategy. Sanja has extende.. read more

Monika Markovska

Monika Markovska

Prof. Dr. sc. Monika Markovska

Prof. Dr. sc. Monika Markovska is a doctor in management and works as a full professor at the University of "St. Kliment Ohridski" - Bitola, Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies - Bitola. Within FIKT Bitola, is engaged in the first c.. read more

Pane Stefanov

Pane Stefanov

Mr Pane Stefanov holds BA in Gastronomy

Mr Pane Stefanov holds BA in Gastronomy, nutrition and food. During his studies, he conducted internships and practical work in indifferent companies and institutions. While his practical work as an assistant chef he starts sh.. read more

Todor Marjanovikj

Todor Marjanovikj

A young, motivated youth leader

A young, motivated youth leader - a phrase that best describes me. After a couple of years of working with Youth on Board, organizing activities and hosting events and having all that led to me having life-changing experiences in new, foreign lands s.. read more

Daniel Veselinov

Daniel Veselinov

Software Developer

Daniel is a highly experienced and creative programmer with over half a decade of experience working on various projects. He is a strong communicator who can effectively convey ideas to customers, emphasizing their satisfaction. Moreover, he has part.. read more

Kristiana Kazandzhieva

Kristiana Kazandzhieva

Project Coordinator

Kristiana Kazandzhieva is a co-founder of BIO NETWORK, a management consultant who helps young entrepreneurs increase their potential and take reasonable risks when investing. Kristiana is also a social entrepreneur, an author of European projects to.. read more

Yanika Dimitrova

Yanika Dimitrova

Financial manager and Technician

Yanka Dimitrova is a Chairman of BIO NETWORK Association. She is a result-driven entrepreneur, with 20+ years of integrated marketing and communication expertise. She has extensive experience and knowledge in event management and public relations, ex.. read more

Florentina Kostadinova

Florentina Kostadinova

Youth Worker

Florentina Kostadinova works for BIO NETWORK since 2022. She has experience in organizing and holding events and working with socially vulnerable groups. Florentina has a bachelor’s degree in social activities from the Technic.. read more

Sara Areces

Sara Areces

Project Coordinator, SMM and Youth Worker

Communications Manager at Cuicui Studios. PhD student in Gender, innovation and communication at the University of Oviedo. read more

Marcos López

Marcos López

Financial Manager

External consultant for Cuicui Studios.Founder and CEO of Eunik (European Network for Innovation and Knowledge). PhD in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences. read more

Pablo Garmen

Pablo Garmen


Co-founder and Pedagogue of Cuicui Studios. PhD in Education from the University of Oviedo. read more



Researcher, Avrasya Gençlik Gelişim Derneği

He completed his undergraduate studies in the Department of English Language Teaching at Mugla Sitki Koçman University in 2015. He participated in Farabi and Erasmus programs and studied at Bydgoszcz Kazimierz Wielki University in Poland and Eskisehi.. read more

Meriç Tahan

Meriç Tahan

Project Manager and Youth Worker, Avrasya Gençlik Gelişim Derneği

Meriç Tahan is current Head of the association, holding Master Degree in NGO Management from Marmara University. He has ongoing studies in the field of technology and socio-cultural studies. is expert on non-formal education and youth work. He has ma.. read more



Researcher, Avrasya Gençlik Gelişim Derneği

She completed her undergraduate studies in the Psychological Counseling and Guidance Department at Erzurum Atatürk University in 2015. She gained knowledge and skills related to counseling, guidance, and psychology, and participated in language educa.. read more

Hamdi Leblebici

Hamdi Leblebici

Financial Manager, Avrasya Gençlik Gelişim Derneği

Hamdi Leblebici is a financial manager who graduated from the Department of Labor Economics and Industrial Relations at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University. He is interested in volunteering and has taken on financial management roles in several associa.. read more

Mustafa Erdoğan

Mustafa Erdoğan

Technician, Avrasya Gençlik Gelişim Derneği

Mustafa Erdoğan has been working in the Healthcare sector for more than 10 years as a Senior export specialist. Apart from his professional career, he has been volunteering in youth development programs on the board of directors of the Youtheurasia.. read more