Alejandra Álvarez González - Digital Citizenship Youth Story

Alejandra Álvarez González - Digital Citizenship Youth Story

Alejandra Álvarez González was one of the participants from CUICUI organization during the youth training in Shtip. Read her experience and get motivated to join us:
“I liked the training, I thought it was really interesting and gave us a new point of view about how to approach different subjects. The people that trained us were amazing and I know this organisation will get bigger with time. It allowed me to get to know new people and see different perspectives, some better and of course, some more complicated. Thanks to this experience I will bring to the activism back home a new perspective of things that I know will help me for the future”.

What message you will send to the youngsters who will read your story?
Learning is key to defending what you believe, listen to one another and participate, it will be worth it.

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